Monday, January 12, 2009

Ways of Making Money: Metacafe

A fantastic way of making money is metacafe. Metacafe is like youtube, except you get paid for "Producer[original] Content". The amount of money you get paid is based on your views, and I think you need a 1000 or so before you start getting money. If you can make an original, popular video though, it can be definitely worth it!

Check it out:

If you are keen on film, or sharing your thoughts on camera: this may be the website to earn abit of extra cash on the side.:)

First Post!

Hi all, welcome to my blog!

By following this blog, you will learn vital skills and secrets to managing your money in university. Too often, people don't realise the importance of money at university... and end up getting into huge debt.

This blog will help you to not become one of these people.:)

Although this blog is targeted at NZ university students, most of the principles can be applied to wherever you are studying in the world.

Stay tuned,
